This song touched me in a way I can’t quite describe. It was one that brought tears to my eyes each time I listened to it or sang it.
Initially, I could not, for the life of me, sing through the whole song without getting dissolved in tears, or pausing to wipe my tears, or to fan my face!
The lyrics of this song totally encapsulates what our Christian journey is like.
Of course because this is life, the journey is not always smooth. There are roadblocks and bumps just as there are unobstructed paths.
This song brings you through a surge of emotions, but one encouraging thought it conveys is that even when I fall, I can always rise up again.
This is because I serve a God who did not just create me, but this God says that He will also stand beside me, walk with me, and go through this journey with me!
What more can I ask for?
Who else can I depend on more than God?